Sunday, May 29, 2011

Great is His Faithfulness

This weekend has been full of blessings, and I'm not sure why, but it seems as if God's finger has reached down and pointed at each one.  I have been unusually aware of many things in my life that I take for granted-especially the "little things."  I do not think for one moment that my awareness of these gifts is coincidental.  God has been more real to me over the last few days than ever before.

My sister in law introduced me to the book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and although I haven't read it (I ordered a copy on Amazon last week, and it cannot get it fast enough), I have been making my list of gifts in my head.  Below I have made a very small list of things God has made me aware of this weekend.  I could list way more than 10, but that is where I will begin.  I challenge you to look around you and become aware of the ways God is blessing you also.  Maybe, like me, you will be shocked at the many things that you have overlooked or taken for granted.

1. A husband who loves me way more than I deserve
2. huge smiles on the faces 2 active boys who were beyond excited about a $10 sprinkler
3. Hearing my 3 year old say, "Mommy please hold me."
4.Getting to spend time with my 2 year old niece, Elyse and hearing her say, "Aunt D, you're my best friend."
5. A family reunion-tables full of food, kids running around giggling, hugs, and lots of smiles
6. A church family that knows what it feels like to go through a difficult time, but at the same time, knows how to stick together and continue pushing forward giving God the glory for all He continues to do
7. Forgiveness-from family members, from friends, but most of all from my Heavenly Father
8. Flowers-I have a new-found obsession...I can't get enough flowers and plants. God amazes me through the beauty of His creation
9. The ability to play the piano and glorify a living Savior
10.  Bible Study with friends who love to laugh and share life together

I was tempted to keep listing...once I began writing them down, more and more came to mind.  I was reminded tonight during a sermon by Dr. Kevin Cooper that EVERYTHING we have is a gift straight from God above...we don't deserve it, we can't earn it, and many times, we aren't even thankful for it.   I thought to myself, "How many times do I EXPECT God to do things for me?"  Why do we think we deserve a "good" life. God has really been speaking to me about this.  Who are we to to demand (Yes, I use demand because I have been guilty of this so many times) things from the God of the universe?  It is only by His grace that we can even utter a prayer to Him.

As I was saying prayers with my boys tonight, God taught me yet another lesson.  My three year old prayed a prayer that contained no "Please God" or "I ask you God" statements.  It was all simple statements of thanks.  "Thank you for finding a match for my Papa." (My father in law has Leukemia and has been in need of a bone marrow donation.  This week they found a match for him....more on that in another post!) He said,  "Thank you for my mama and daddy."  "Thank you for my brother." "Thank you for my church."  Oh my goodness, how much we could learn from the simple prayers of a child.

My heart is so full, I could type all night.  I'm so thankful for a God who sees beyond my selfish attitude and desires a RELATIONSHIP with me.  I can boast of nothing; He deserves all of the glory.

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2


  1. Dana - I will be reading your blog and can't wait to receive encouragement through it. I too was reminded this week of the blessings God has given me. Here are the ones I put in my journal just this week:
    1. The means to be able to take a vacation with my family.
    2. Brothers and sisters who are all equally involved in taking care of my aging parents.
    3. Michael, Holly and Eric
    4. Faithful friends
    5. A faithful Heavenly Father who knows me better than I know myself, and loves me anyway!!

  2. Dana , I don't even know what a blog is but I just read yours. Thank you for reminding me of all my blessings and to thank my Heavenly Father for each one. Sometimes I forget. Jo Ann

  3. Dana, Thank you for this blog and all that you have reminded me of by reading it. I have so much to be thankful for and I don't ever want to forget any of my many blessings. I am so Thankful for my salvation, for my Husband, for my children, for my grandchildren, for my family and for my health. I am also Thankful that I have you as my niece.:) Thanks, Patty Minter

  4. Beautiful! I'm right there with you, friend. Love you!

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